What Is Better When It Comes to Drug Abuse? Drug Prevention (Programs Like DARE) or Drug Treatment (Rehab)?

Question by Daewon_ton: What is better when it comes to drug abuse? Drug prevention (programs like DARE) or drug treatment (rehab)?

Best answer:

Answer by Gary B
It is MUCH better to not get hooked in the first place, than to try to get “unhooked”. In other words DARE is better than rehab,

Since the drugs really screw up your sense of reason, much damage is done BEFORE the user finally gets to the point that rehab will help. In fact, may junkies DIE (OD or get killed) before they ever reach the point of wanting rehab.

And note, The patient must WANT to go to rehab. Just tying somebody up and dropping them at rehab does NO good. You can’t FORCE a person to change their mind.

Answer by darcey
Prevention is key. Drug Abusers (or people that needed a type of rehab) have a much harder time readjusting their life after rehab. Look at britney spears and all the hard work she has put into being able to function normally again.

D.A.R.E. Program! — Basically what dare (Drug Abuse Resistance Education) is, we learn about what drugs can do to you, what are good drugs, and what are bad drugs, and to be …

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