The Junkie Diaries-Part 7


The Junkie Diaries-part 7 – I was going to call this the ‘homeless diaries’ until I actually went out and spoke to the people living on the streets of dublin. then it was renamed the ‘junkie diaries’ because the overwhelming thing i found out was that (in the group I spoke to) they were almost exclusively hard drug users or at least drug dependent in some respect. The people I spoke to were varied, some were from very good backgrounds, others never had a fighting chance to begin with. There were some common feelings throughout, primarily of despair, of fear of violence and physical attack, without exception every person I spoke to was able to describe their personal situation with alacrity and precision. I asked if any of them had spoken into a camera in their time being homeless, they all said no, and some of them have been on the street for over a decade. I suppose it doesn’t make for good tv. This is part of an ongoing project where I plan to look at the economics of drug use and of drug prohibition in a practical sense via the people who use drugs and eventually, those who distribute them. karl deeter writes the mortgage blog: you can see the newspaper articles we are mentioned in our commentary on national radio is archived at


Robert Zemeckis takes Flight

Filed under: drug addiction newspaper articles

By Bob Thompson, Postmedia News October 29, 2012 5:03 PM. Tweet. Comment. 0. Story; Photos ( 1 ) … In the film, he heroically lands a malfunctioning passenger jet, but he must face the consequences of his addiction during the subsequent investigation …
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Juvenile Court

Filed under: drug addiction newspaper articles

Four cases were due to drug abuse and two due to abuse in the home. … You can come back at the end of your 30-day period for another 5 free articles, or you can purchase a subscription and continue to enjoy valuable local news and information.
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