NEED HELP! Can You Force Someone Into Rehab in California?

Question by : NEED HELP! Can you force someone into Rehab in California?
My sister is a meth addict and is literally deterioating by the second. I need help because I am afraid Im going to loose my little sister. Shes 26 years old and has been doing Meth everyday. She thinks theres nothing wrong with her. Shes skin and bone. My family is literally in pain over this because its like our hands are bound and we cant do anything. She is now talking to herself…threatening all of this that we’re plotting against her or that the government is hiding cameras all around the city looking for her…shes talking crazy and she says she hears voices thats making her do things. She has a son that she will literally take with her on her “joy rides”. We’ve got the Father involved to keep her son away from her and terminate custody until she gets help. She still wont. How in California can I save my sister??? She wont voluntarily help herself. I’m not trying to bury my sister…I’ve tried calling courts, rehab centers…no one can give me a straight answer…I’ve heard of the Marchman Act…but is that available in Los Angeles County??? Please someone help or guide me in the right direction…this DRUG is literally killing my sister.

Best answer:

Answer by CaCO3Girl
These things can be horrible because we are all suppose to have our own right to screw ourselves up in any way we see fit. It is great that the father of the child is willing to care for the child, if I were you I would ask him to take it to court to get emergency temporary custody because to be totally honest if she has custody and she looses it one day she can go to his house and take the kid and no one can say anything about it…SHE has custody.

As for getting her sober…where is her money coming from? That is what you have to stop, if it is child support have the father file for custody to stop that. If it is your family enabling her STOP! You can contact a center about doing an intervention, and if she is READY it might work…but she has to want to stop and until she reaches bottom she won’t see a need to stop. You can find help at an nar anon meeting. Google any meetings near you…they will KNOW what to do.

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