My Boyfriend Is Addicted to Drugs Does Anyone Know of a Low Cost Rehab?

Question by Monica: My boyfriend is addicted to drugs does anyone know of a low cost rehab?
does anyone know of a low cost rehab center in the LA area please im desperate he wont listen to me or his family its killing him and he doesnt act like he cares, Im not making this an option im gunna bring him to the office and see if we can talk him into it, hes told me before that he wants help but he wont let me help him now. I need help ASAP please… the reason i say low cost is i had surgery and i cant work and he just wont work right now he would rather go get high and go out partying..

Best answer:

Answer by Mathew
Hwhip him.

Answer by pinkunikorn
yes, you buy some handcuffs and chain him to the bed, let him think you’re getting kinky and then you leave him there for as long as it takes to get sober

Alcohol Detox Los Angeles (213) 785-1468 Today for Drug Rehab — Alcohol Detox Los Angeles, are dedicated to drug and alcohol rehab, including detox Los Angeles, counseling and after care. Alco…

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