How Do I Go About Finding a Drug Counselor or Getting Into Group Therapy for Drug Addiction in My Area?

Question by sure.: How do I go about finding a drug counselor or getting into group therapy for drug addiction in my area?
Sorry this is pretty long, but I figure the more details I give, the more someone could help me out.

I’m a 19 year old guy. From the ages of 15-16 I got hooked on pain pills (oxycodone/percocet in particular) really bad. I sold all my stuff, guitar, amp, tv, computer, to support my habit. I stole hundreds of dollars from my parents and at the worst part, when I was doing upwards of 8-10 pills a day, my friend introduced me to some old guy he knew and the guy bought us as many pills as we wanted as long as we went back to his place and let him basically feel us up and do whatever he wanted while we were passed out. That whole time in my life was just shameful and doing the things I did for drugs made me feel like I was just completely worthless. However, my parents intervened once I started running away and after getting worried about me hanging out with the old creep so much. They didn’t know what I did, but I guess they figured whatever it was I did wasn’t good. So they put me in rehab (actually a psych ward since no rehab places would take me underage) and I stayed in for about 3 weeks and have been clean ever since. But recently I’ve started popping/snorting the pills again since hanging out with a new crowd. It was fine for a while but recently it’s been getting out of hand and has gone from doing it just on the weekends to doing it everyday, like I did in high school. Knowing how bad the addiction can get, and the kind of horrible things I’ll do to get the drugs when it gets to that point, I really want to stop and get some help. I don’t want to be the guy I was back then or do the degrading things I did back then, but know if I don’t stop, that’s where I’m headed. My life has been great since getting clean, I’m at a community college, high gpa, I’ll be getting my associate’s in the fall then transferring to a university, things are going great and I want it to stay that way.

Are there any sort of group meetings or even one on one counseling that I could so free of charge? With paying for rent and tuition, I don’t have the money to pay for serious treatment like when I was younger. I think alcoholics anonymous is free, right? So are there any free counseling groups like that for people with addictions to pills or just any drugs in general? I really want to help myself before it’s too late but I don’t know where to start.

Best answer:

Answer by Claus Gregorius
Why dont you ask your parents just to do it once more, pay for a detox? They must understand, that for most addicted people it is hard to succeed the first time. Most think afterwards, that they can stop whenever they want and that gives them the card blanch to do it again and again. But the way you tell it, I would help you as a parent. I have 6 kids, so I know what I am talking about, and I am working with young drug addicts. Else their are drugs anonymous working like the AA in most towns and most countries. There you also can get the support. Another option are youth centres where they deal with those problems. So, if you really want to, and this letter shows that you do, just ask in your community (if you are shy, pretend asking for a friend) and then join whatever is offered. It actually does not matter what kind of group you will join. You seem to have the determination and just look for some sort of back-up … 🙂
good luck

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SOLACE 2.mpg – Josh Tilley and Lisa Pick photographs added. Slide modification with framed pictures added. SOLACE “Surviving Our Loss and Continuing Everday” is a support group established to help the families of those who have lost loved ones, especially those who have lost loved ones to the epidemic of prescription drug abuse. The SOLACE Memorial is dedicated to our lost loved ones and symbolizes the commitment of the residents of Portsmouth and Scioto County to “Be the Wall” against prescription drug abuse. Additional information is found at : Facebook: Fix the Scioto County Problem of Drug Abuse, Misuse, and Overdose “Tonight I Hold This Candle” was written and recorded by Alan Pedersen. Thanks Alan for one of the most touching songs recorded.


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