Effect of Tobaco and Substance Abuse in Tanzania-Documentary.- G Sengo Blog

effect of tobaco and substance abuse in tanzania-documentary.- g sengo blog — Clouds fm yatunukiwa cheti kwa kushiriki vyema mapambano dhidi maradhi yatokanayo na Tumbaku Mwanza.

Colorado responds slowly to psychotropic drug use among foster kids
Critics counter that few studies have examined side effects on children, and that the drugs have been linked to weight gain, diabetes and growth of breasts in boys. Foster parents and therapists say heavily medicated children are detached from reality …
Read more on The Denver Post

Marijuana Legalization and Young Brains: Time for Serious Study
The tragic death of Philip Seymour Hoffman is a prime example of these enduring effects. After a period of extensive drug use in his youth, he was drug-free for 20 years, only to fall victim to a common prescription for a pain medicine that triggered a …
Read more on Psychiatric News

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