Does Anybody Have Any Feedback on Recovery Ventures (Black Mountain) in NC?

Question by Unique: Does anybody have any feedback on Recovery Ventures (Black Mountain) in NC?
Just wondering if this is a good place to go for drug addiction/abuse.

Best answer:

Answer by Michael Baugh
You do the drugs because your body doesn’t make enough endorphins for you, so you self-medicate to bring the apparent level up.
BUT, you can cause your body to give you three times the supply, and not feel the need for the narcotic, if that’s what you ‘abuse’.
Inviting you to read about it at
It may be the most important bit of research you’ve ever done.
How about that? Causing a tiny bit of a drug rehab product to cause your body to not need the narcotic or alcohol. But the full approved dose makes you feel TERRIBLE. Read about it. You will be seriously surprised.

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