Detox / Rehab? [Oralndo]?

Question by Princess Amanda42O: Detox / Rehab? [Oralndo]?
Does anyone know of a rehab/detox/behavioral health facility in Florida?
Preferably in the Orlando area.
[In advance]…I’m so thankful for any helpful / KIND info!

Yes, it is for myself. No, I’m not in denial. And yes, I do know that getting help will take great effort on MY part. But I’m ready & willing to do that, if that’s what’s it’s going to take to make me feel better again!
That’s supposed to be
ORLANDO in the ‘headline’…Sorry about the misspelling
: )

Best answer:

Answer by Vladislavs V

Answer by ChiLady
Good for you–here’s a general link;

Baby HIV: Second baby is HIV-free after early treatment
The phrase "Baby HIV" is trending worldwide, and many believe that could lead to a bad thing, but it actually is good news. The Chicago Tribune reported on March 6, 2014, that a nine-month old baby may have been cured of HIV, and that would actually …

Bridgette Found Safe
Since Bridgette has no money or phone, she is most likely in or around Ft. Lauderdale or Orlando, if you have seen the woman from the photo , please cal the Ft. Lauderdale Police Department or l 772-801-8721. "Bridgette we love you, come home," Ms …
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